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Sunday, November 05, 2006

That sound you heard? That was my head exploding.

Programming and late nights have historically gone together. Not only is the intarweb held together by a lot of Mountain Dew and late night coding sessions, but us computer programmers have a reputation for our monitor glow tans and anti-sociality (though most socialites do their real socializing at night, not during the mornings for instance). However once we join the real world (IE graduate from College) we tend to find that we have to keep more normal hours than we would prefer. I, like many other coders have found that I really don't get clicking until after noon, and often I start really firing on all cylinders code wise only after 4pm. However once it rolls past midnight, there is a negative side to things.

As long as things are flowing well, you're golden, but if you start encountering a bug, it is often hours before you will find even the simplest problem. And if, God forbid, as has happened to me tonight, you find out that what you are attempting simply isn't possible because someone made a decision in some code that you have no choice but to use, and that it would be possible if you didn't have to use that piece of code, well, your fragile mind is like to snap.

I'm heading to bed. This will all feel like a three day bender in the morning, but now it feels like death.

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