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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

NaNoWriMo is Started

I have started my NaNoWriMo entry, and I have posted my first chapter/entry. You can keep up with my story here

Let me know what you think of it and the additions as I go on. Also a vote as to whether I should just put up chapters as I finish them, or as the correspond to the dates in question (as the story is supposed to be taking place this month. For instance I have another chapter done, but it isn't supposed to be written until the 4th. I kind of like that approach, and it can mean that you will get multiple chapters some days, and none others. This is likely the case even if you want a chapter each time I finish one, but a vote would be good.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Punpkin's Made Creepy

Originally uploaded by Tegid.

Originally uploaded by Tegid.

Originally uploaded by Tegid.

So it's Halloween again. I totally don't get into the whole spooky decorating thing, but I do get into the carving of pumpkins. Hope you like them. You can click on each one for a larger sized version.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Premo Sculpey is $0.77 a block, but I don't need any.

It is a sad state of affairs people. This is an opportunity that doesn't come around often, and I would like nothing more than to walk out of Michaels with $40 in clay. Premo usually runs more than twice this price. But alas, I cannot force myself to get more than three blocks I actually can use. I have stocked up in the past, and have enough for now. Since I am trying to be good with money, and already have my eye on a couple of graphics books in excess of $50 a piece, I shall have to hold off.

Ah yes. Here I am, four years out of school and lusting over what are essentially text books. Not that I recall lusting over any of my textbooks while I was in school. My wife doesn't get it. Why would I want a boring book about computer programming to read for FUN. She would understand if I needed it for work (I bought one of those recently), but I will read this for fun. In fact it has indirect work applications, but still, even if it didn't, I would still want it and read it for fun.

This disconnect in mindsets has caused some consternation. If I ask a question of you in the vein of "Why does/did that happen?" Chances are, I want to really understand. I hate not understanding something. Sometimes I'm too lazy to actually DO anything about it, but I still hate it. So, if she or a member of her family (she is particularly sensitive about them, well they are her family) asks me why about something. Well, I tend to start from the beginning and explain it. From my experiences, when people have asked me a question and wanted a full answer, I would often labor on trying to explain it (specifically about computers) to the frustration of both of us, because I was working under the impression that they knew something fundamental that I took for granted. (There are a lot of things I find I take for granted that I shouldn't)

So to stave this off, I explain from the ground up unless I know my audience is knowledgeble. This works well with computers, because most people don't have any more idea about how their computer works than I do about my car. In fact, most people regard them as basically magical devices. You turn them on, they work, or don't, and you put up with quirks, because the only thing worse is dealing with the Computer Wizards (see, we're even referred to as Wizards). And besides, that whole field of computer magic is obviously unstable or they wouldn't all have these problems. When my wife asks me how my day at work is, and I want to explain some particular issue tha requires some knowledge that I don't believe she has, I'll figure out an everyday example and explain it. Often she didn't care, but in this case, I'm the one who wanted to communicate my day, so she has to deal.

Well, so I treat any request for information that I know the answer to the same way. Ask me why the Aurora Borealis occurs, and why you don't normally see it in Virginia, and I'll confirm that you are familiar with the Earth's magnetic field, and solar flares, maybe touch on the solar wind. Then I'll explain about the Van Allen belts, and magnetic field strength and ions etc. Well, apparently this means I think her family is stupid. I treat them as if they are honestly seeking knowledge, and that if they knew the background information (which they most likely don't because they never took an interest before, which is fine) they would already know the answer. So I start with the background and explain. I specifically don't treat them like someone I feel is incapable of understanding the answer and just say "because it does." Heck, if they ask me, they should know I'm going to answer the question the best I can.

Apparently I'm condescending (and I can see how it could be interpretted that way) and should just answer, "because it does/is". Okay, perhaps they don't want the long version. Perhaps when someone asks me they might just REALLY want to know if the answer is simple or complex. Maybe they just want me to say "That's actually a bit complicated, do you want me to answer it fully, or did you just want to know if there is a simple answer?" And I'll try and do that from now on. But ladies and gentleman, here we have a classic case of a disagreement in a marriage due to the way two different families relate. In my family, when we asked a question like that, we knew my father was going to give us as complete an answer as he could, and so we either didn't ask, or prefaced asking with some statement to indicate we wanted the simple answer.

That is not how she grew up. Neither way is right or wrong, but those differences can cause strife if you don't identify them. But I'm warning you now, that if you ask me why something is, I'm going to do my best to give you as complete an answer as necessary.

Monday, October 17, 2005

November Nonsense

So the month comes again. One which I have looked forward to for some time now. Not because of Thanksgiving, though that should be good, but rather because I will be NaNoWriMoing again. I have already spoken with Miss Virginia Ruth about this year's attempt, and plan one making sure that if I don't make it to 50k words, that I will at least have more than her. It will be my daily goal to achieve this.

50,000 words really is a short novel. But to write that many words in 30 days is rather a challenge. It breaks down nicely it seems to the paltry sum of 1666.6666666666666666666667 words a day (though I plan on only writing complete words, so most likely I'll be writing 5000 words every three days.) Given that my posts (when I make them) regularly exceed 1000 words (the last post was only 575, but two posts previous was an impressive 1188) you would think I would have little to no trouble producing 5000 written words every three days. The truth is somewhat wore complex. I seem to think and create much more effectively in longhand. The problem with that is that I type about 20 times faster than I write, and a full hundred times more legibly (not even considering that I'm currently still learning a now keyboard layout). So I will often find that I have enough gathered thoughts to write a relatively rapid 5000 or so words. Often on the first day, but after that, my momentum is spent and I fail to be able to determine where I will be going from where I am.

Not this year. This year I've actually come up with a concept I'm excited about, ahead of time even. I'm going to plan on 25 chapters of 2000 words each, and determine ahead of time the major thematic plot developments per chapter so that when I sit down to write a chapter, I know what has to happen in it. I will not however tie myself exclusively to this formula. If I feel the need to deviate, I will. My major problem has been a lack of knowing where I'm going.

The story will be in first person, and told almost as a journal entry reflection of each period of time. I will be posting completed chapters to another blog I will inform you (my two readers) about in the near future. As to Miss Virginia Ruth, do you want to get together sometime during the first week of November to flog at our novels together? My wife will be out of town (this is far less scandalous than a reader might suppose for reasons that aren't really your concern) and I will be free virtually all week. Perhaps we could manage to get a little ahead of the game even. You know I have enough computers if you cannot bring your own. (though I believe you can)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Coming and going

So, I have returned from yet another trip to Sufflok, and a narrow brush with the Secretary of State. (Last time it was the Joint Chiefs) and am currently packing to head for my parent's lake house where my wife and I will celebrate our second anniversary. This almost didin't happen on time, as originally, I was supposed to be in Suffolk this week as well. But as evidenced by the current week, I was unable to really do my work in that particular environment, and so I got to go home. (Thanks to sense being spoken by my Software lead.)

But for a moment I will address the subject of absences and gender differences in perception. (I'm sure you can't imagine why this may have come up.) The major issue is that my wife is always very upset when we are separated, and is made more upset by the fact that I don't seem to be as badly affected. In fact, I almost seem to enjoy my time apart. Well, let me attempt to break it down for you.

Men, always have their cave. In many homes, it is their workroom (where the tools are, often the garage) or the bathroom, because their wives insist on the rest of the house looking nice (read: feminine) which honestly, is quite sensible of them. But it leads to the male in the relationship feeling that they have no nice places to be themselves.

Men are not entirely themselves when with their SO, and despite any protestrations to the contrary, women are wuch happier that this is the case. Men don't strive to be crude, but we seem to do a good job of it when left to our own devices. Bottling this up all the time, (except when in our caves) tends to lead to a desire to be alone for awhile to be the pure male we remember being. So, when there is physical separation (say a three hour car ride to name one completely at random) for a time, the man is torn. He truely does miss his wife (or SO), but he also revels in the temporary freedom to be what he remembers being. And let's be clear, he doesn't desire to stay that way (well, this isn't always true, but assuming he's happy in his relationship) but he want's that ability to let out the pressure he's built up.

This is why guys invented Boy's Night. (which women have copied in an attempt to prove they can do anything we can) The name is quite telling. We want a chance to be boys again. Something our wives just see the need for. Boy's night, exiles women for a night so the boys can do all the stupid things they want, and then (and this is important) they can return home and be a man again.

Now, I personally have been away from home quite often enough in the last 5 months, and could do with some time at home (we like being alone at home even more than alone on the road BTW) and with my wife. But I'm going away next weekend, and she's going away at the end of the month. We'll spend as much time together in the intervening time as we can and when she goes away, I'm sure I'll still enjoy being released to be a boy again, but I'll have a hell of a time falling asleep in our empty bed.

Monday, September 19, 2005

On the Road . . . again

So, I'm on the road once more. Not in the same way as the famous Beat author who travelled the country bankrolled by his Aunt back East, and meeting up with his crazy friends all over the world. I'm being bankrolled by my company, so it that way it is at least similar, and I meet various co-workers I've never met before, but otherwise it is totally different. For one thing, I'm in Suffolk, VA. For another, my version of a wild day is sitting in a room listening to a bunch of people talk about things that I don't care about, but that do matter to my future happiness.

Tomorrow I'll spend more time on a post, but I wanted to get things back underway. I've got to get to sleep so I can get up too early tomorrow (I work from home most of the time, so I never see 6:45 am on my clock unless I have to get up to go to the bathroom) and spend all day doing nothing. It should be a trip.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Men, we're retarded that way, and it has sod all to do with you.

I would like the preface this with the emphatic statement that in no way has the woman in my life done anything to bring this little missive to light. It was probably mostly a combination of watching 5 back to back episodes of the UK version of Coupling and talking with a woman about her and her significant other.

If women could realize that the universe that is their relationship does not have them at the center, life could be so much less complex for guys. Now let's be fair, women are not the only ones who think they are the center of the relationship universe, but women take it to the extreme at times.

Relationships are binary star systems. The stars orbit each other and all the other issues/events orbit the stars (things like the planet of the first kiss, or the ex-girlfriend comet that shows up every 5 years). But the important thing is that there can be something wrong with the one star that the other has absolutely no control over, or responsibility for. They orbit each other, they affect one another, but excessive worry and attention often does nothing for that spate of excessive sunspot activity.

Here is what it boils down to. Women seem to get to certain points in relationships before their man, and if he doesn't come along smartly in line with their mindset, then he must not value the relationship as much as they do. As an example (and I must, due to my audience) be quick to point out that as an example, it is neither perfect, nor universally applicable. It is however true in the general case.

Women tend to realize that they want this relationship to last for the rest of their lives earlier than men. And men, well, they have two options. One, they may realize that you are feeling this way before they are sure what they are feeling, or two, they may realize the same thing. It doesn't really matter which comes first, because sooner or later, they are going to freak out. This is where the women in my audience (and let's face it, that's most of my audience for some reason) need to realize that this has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with you. (Where you means the female that is the other person in the relationship) The only possible way in which it CAN become something to do with you, is if you make it so.

This is where you need to calm the heck down and realize you are not in the middle of this relationship. The entire focal point of this relationship in the mind of the guy, is not, and SHOULD not be you. Read that again and absorb it. Now realize that you will totally forget it the next time something like this comes up. It's in your nature the same way what the guy is going to do is in his.

Now, the guy may realize that "hey, I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman". He may realize "um...I think she's starting to think about the M-word" It doesn't really matter, because at some point, they man must face, and answer this questions. "Am I ready to settle down with one woman?" Notice, the question is not "Am I ready to settle down with this woman?" It is "one woman". Now women, this is where you need to take a step way the hell back and let the guy work this one through. He may say things to you like "I've been thinking, maybe we should date some other people." Crazy stuff. Stuff he doesn't really mean. It's an outcropping of this set of thoughts that are repeating in his head.

"If I settle down, then it's just one woman. There isn't any possibility of more. No more first kisses, no other women to feel what it's like to snuggle up with. No more breasts to try out. I'm not sure I want to give that up." Now keep in mind, the past dating history of this man has absolutely NO relevance on this. They may have dated hundreds of women, had hundreds of first kisses and worked every possible relationship to see where it could go. Or they might have stood on the dating sidelines waiting for the coach to put them in, and not realizing that they are their own coach in a team of one. I myself had only dated one other woman when my wife and I were engaged and about three months from marriage. I was sure I was ready, enthusiastically embraced a life together and then all of a sudden found myself regretting the loss of opportunity to date other women and have these experiences. Let's completely ignore the fact that in the year prior to Megan and I dating, I hadn't made friends with one datable woman near my age. And mostly through absolute lack of trying.

But it had absolutely nothing to do with my wife. She could either let me sort through it, and give me smacks upside the head if I did things like suggest we date other people 10 months into our 13 month engagment, or she could smother me trying to make me forget about the other women and forcibly pull me with her into HER future. Fortunately, mine let me figure it out. A couple should walk forward into THEIR future (which is generaly both parties walking in the direction they think is right, being shocked to find that sometimes this differs, and then figuring out which way to go as a couple each time they hit one of these places). But when a woman freaks out and decides she needs to fix her male, she begins to forcibly drag him the way she wants things to go. She pulls him further and further down HER path with no chance for him to affect the direction. This makes him feel even MORE trapped and in fact sabotages her. Because if he tries to pull away and say "I'd like to go this way please." She takes this as him rejecting her, but he's just trying to walk the path together (At least at first). She's already threatened that he doesn't feel exactly the same way she does and so any attempt to deviate from her chosen path is seen as a sure sign that things are over.

Let me enlighten you ladies. The sure sign that things are over is when he no longer tries to walk a different path. When he's given up and is trudging like a young child behind his mother. Whether it ends after the marriage or before, he has lost interest in this relationship and you've done it to yourself. His actions to change where things were going showed he cared about the direction. When he no longer cares enough to try and change things, he no longer cares period, and it is only a matter of time before he realizes it.

Whew...that was very long, and convoluted, but I think there is truth in there somewhere. Let me know when you find it.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

A departure from Sculpture

Originally uploaded by Tegid.

Though not a departure from Polymer clay. This is my first semi-serious creation with a cane. A Cane is a cylinder (in general) of clay that has some pattern running through it. In this case, there are two canes, a rose cane and a leaf cane, you can reduce them in size, but keep the detail, which is why there are two or three colors worth here, and the clay was mixed with translucent, so you can see through it when there is a candle in the bowl.

It looks better when lit and in a dim room than when seen in daylight, for a couple of reasons, not the least of which being that the boundaries between the clay are quite visible. But it's only my first attempt.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Base with multiple leaves

Originally uploaded by Tegid.

This is the other version. I'm a little partial to this one.

My newest Sculpture

Originally uploaded by Tegid.

This was an attempt to create a commissioned piece for someone. I made two bases for this image, and I'll post the other one next. Whichever base the person doesn't choose, will be used by another sculpture.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Don't get too excited

So I'm really just posting some of my more recent sculpture work. (Look for me at a craft fair near me this summer)

This is the completed sleeping mouse, sleeping in his leaf.

This is my most recent, it's a basset hound, though I've been told he looks evil. Hopefully that will not be the case when I'm done painting him. This is what they look like unbaked though, for anyone that might have wondered.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I've got a headache, but it's okay.

Because after two and a half weeks of 60 hour pace (two weeks of roughly 60 hours and one week of 40 completed in 4 days) I'm done with the project.

I've also finished a couple of other projects in that time. So here they are...Well the mouse isn't finished, but it is better than my last mouse in terms of ear size etc. I'm not too thrilled with the actual shape of the bear's head, but he looks cute.

And people have offerred to buy/commission sculptures from me, so I'm psyched about that. More practice coming up. Without further ado:

Enjoy and post comments. And Ginny, you can live your carefree (relative) college existence and scorn me for not posting all you want. (Actually, that really just lets me know that someone reads my blog).

Friday, January 28, 2005

Bad Singing after Good Food.

This will be a boring entry. It's not that I don't want you to read it. It's mostly that I'm warning you ahead of time, so when you complain, I can point to the first sentence and say "See! I told you that before hand." But you are bound to read it now that you've started. Such is my sway over you.

First things first. I suck, because I know you were all waiting for me to write. This will likely be more frequent now, as my evening pasttime of the last month is now over. After a not very gut wrenching decision was made, I made my exit last night from that world, considerably less dressed than the way I entered it. (I gave away/sold/dusted(this means something in that world) all my clothes and items at the end to a friend, so both of my main characters ended up in their underwear. And for some reason, the females have a rather skimpy set of said underwear. I cannot imagine why). Another note is I realized how much of a dork I was when (well, okay we all already knew I was, but this just sealed the deal) I saw a shirt on Penny Arcade and immediately tried to think of other shirts that would use the same concept, but be funnier/better. And the concept is based around World of Warcraft's method of conveying the rarity of an object.

The shirt in question is the one that says "WTS [Wang]x1 PST" in WoW speak, that means "Want to sell one rare wang, please send tell (or private message) if you're interested."

So I started thinking of ideas like [Journey] which of course means "Epic Journey". And [Man] [Fate] which of course means "Common man, uncommon fate". Then I realized that these shirts would only be "cool" for an EXTREMELY specific value of cool, and that my friends is the definition of dorky. So I gave up on the idea. Especially considering that I'm no longer playing.

This week I'm also having the fun of working 60 hours in 6 days. It's actually not as bad as it could be, but honestly, if it were for more than this week and next, it would suck. You basically have no time for life when you spend 10-12 hours at work 6 days a week. You come home, have dinner (which your wonderful wife prepares for you) and you go to bed. That's it. Not only that, but I end up so burned out from thinking and coding all day at work, that I'm just not mentally there to deal with anything more complicated than "what kind of beer do you want tonight".

But tonight we got to go out to dinner with some friends (I only put in 9 hours today, I kinda burned out a bit around the 40 hour mark yesterday too) and had a really good time. Enjoyed some Tex Mex (tasty, but very Americanized) at Tia's, including their Margaritas and Swirls (the Swirl is girly as hell, but I always get it, because it tastes damn good). Then we came back and play Karaoke Revolution on the XBox. I got it for my wife after she and I played at a friends house quite a while back. She kept saying how much she wanted it, so for the first time ever, my wife received two videogames (DDR as well) for her birthday, and she loved them. It was actually pretty surreal. See, I've always thought of video games as cool only for a certain (though much broader than the one I talked about above) value of cool. One that almost never included women. Sure I've gotten my younger sister into a few of the lighter games (Civ II, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Theme Hospital), and I've hopelessly addicted my father-in-law and brother-in-law to Starcraft, (well the idea of beating me, 2v1 at it) , but my wife wouldn't even sit down and try World of Warcraft. Oh well. Tonight we unlocked a bunch of new costumes, venues and even a new song. I sang a stirring rendition of "Wind Beneath My Wings" complete with a emotional fist clenching, and I think Michael Jackson spun over in his bunk bed.

But now there are even more people that want this game. My mother-in-law left the birthday party asking why they didn't have this game, and our friend who came tonight left thinking of purchasing it. Always fun to spread something. Speaking of which. If you haven't already, watch Battlestar Galactica (the remake on Sci-Fi Channel now). It's really good. It might prove to be better than Farscape, though probably not as good as Firefly.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

So I finished baking and painting my rabbit.


Monday, January 17, 2005

That's Not a Rabbit...

...this is a rabbit.

Unbaked, unpainted.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Don't Tell Me He Looks Like a Rabbit

I know the ears are a little big, but I'd like to see you do better. (Actually, you can, and I highly recommend learning how.) I made this field mouse here after getting the linked book, and highly enjoyed it. It taught me a whole bunch of new ways to think about using polymer clay, as well as quite a bit about painting. Things like dry coats and washes and such.

Though I might ask my older sister if she'll paint some of them, because she is WAY better at painting than I am. My younger sister is really crafty, but I think he painting will be like mine. She's really good at folky, solid-colors and shapes (very well done too), but I don't think realism is up her alley too much. Though I thinking when she comes home next, I should have her sculpt one of these guys, because I'm sure she can.

Anyhow, just wanted to show off. Enjoy.

The Much Belated Part II

...When last we left our intrepid hero, he had forgotten to buy frozen corn for his wife. Corn she would desperately need to make the soup with which to impress her female family members. The hour was late (1 am) and the situation dire. What would he do? Where would he go? What philisophical musings would he undergo? (Late at night. Alone in a car. A philisophical musing is implied.) Stay tuned to find out on.... Adventures in Husbandry (author takes a moment to look up Husbandry) -- scratch that. On....The Store Closed at Midnight!!!

Okay so now that I've set it up. Let's get to the necessarily anti-climactic story.

So there I was, in the parking lot of Shoppers. It was a brilliant stroke, brilliance, the like of which is seen only in this generation's Einstein's and Rosen's. "We'll just stop at Shoppers on the way home. It's open 24/7. You can stay in the car, I'll run in and be out in just a minute." It was smooth, it allowed her to stay in the warm car, while I braved the elements and went hunter-gathering for frozen corn in the perilous frozen food department. She agreed (even thanking me for letting her stay in the car) and I dashed to the door. It was at this point that I discovered the first signs that my side of town is populated entirely by fogies. Old farts, boring people, whatever you call them, my side of town must be teaming with them. Shoppers closed at midnight. Being that it is about 12:53am give or take a minute, I knew that, through keen intuition, (I tried the door and it was locked, also the sign I read a moment later said they close at midnight) I would not be able to gather my frozen corn from this place. Rebuffed, I returned to the car, sheepishly admitting to my snug and warm wife that I failed in my attempt and that another avenue must be explored.

After some hemming and hawwing (which, if you've never seen me haw, count yourself among the blessed of this Earth) a plan was struck. I would drop my wife off at our wigwam, which was a very short distance away. After this, I would go forth gathering and hunting again until such time as I found my prize. I knew for a fact, that in the worst case, the Shoppers across town was open 24/7. But that was a 35 minute round trip. I began with the closer stores.

After striking out at the first Giant within a three block radius of my wigwam, I began to feel hunger. I decided that a source of fast food must be aquired to satisfy my late night hunger brought on by my exertion. I didn't not quell in fear at the concept, since I knew that both Burger King and Taco Bell, purveyers of fine meat filled products, have a drive-through which is open late.

Alas, not in Old Fartville (not to be confused with Old Farts Ville which has a rather stale and foul odor) where apparently open late is universily defined as "open until Midnight!!!" After thus striking out in my search for nourishment, I continued to the other Giant, bypassing the Wal-Mart, which I knew to be lacking in most food items (and have subsequently learned was closed anyhow), there also lay another Taco Bell. Surely a restaurant on a major road would be open later. I learned to my chagrin, that while this was true, it was only open until 1am, and this time had passed nearly a quarter hour before. The Giant was also, unsurprisingly, closed at midnight.

Undismayed, I went to the other Shoppers on my side of town, only to be greeted by a similar refrain. It was at this point, that I resigned myself to travelling across town, and I proceeded to do so. (After stopping nominally to check for frozen corn at Sheetz, but in reality to buy a chocolate chip cookie, iced cream sandwich. Actually it ended up being pretty disappointing.) Across town I drove first to the Taco Bell, which was on the way anyhow. On this side of town, late night means 4am. In fact, both the inside and drive-through are open until 4am. Deeply nutritious food in hand, I drove across the highway to the Shoppers where I quickly found my corn and gathered three bags of it.

Three bags in hand, virtually alone in the store, I journeyed to the register. The lone open register. To find another employee, cart absolutely full of groceries checking out. All I wanted was three bags of corn. In the end, I simply waited for her, rang up mine and left. I arrived home almost exactly at 2am to much thanks from my wife. But I realized. I had moved from my swinging bachelor days, truely into my adulthood. I now live on the old, boring, staid side of town where if you're up past 9:30, you must be up to no good. It's the only way to explain it.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

And the Answer is...Not Me

So Jefferson, the person most likely to not write anything for months has complained because I haven't written anything in awhile. Funny. Actually though, I've had something to write since last Monday night. You might ask why, but the wise ones among you will save your breath and realize I'm going to tell you whether you ask or not.

So I want you to imagine with me if you will. Imagine your wife is tired and worn out from the holidays. Imagine that she is prone to making lists of things to do that are always too long. Then imagine that you see something on the list you can do instead of her, and as a good husband, you offer to do. Now in this particular scenario, she trusts you enough to do said task and sends you on your way.

In this way we find ourselves at Shoppers (a grocery store) and due to lack of foresight happen to have no method of marking off the list in hand. Being the clever engineer that I am (all of you are for the sake of this mental exercise, as clever of an engineer as I am. ) I decide to make little tears in the paper next to the items I have gotten. This works well and I return home with all the items Megan needs to make soup for her female relatives the next day. I am victorious, a wonderful husband, and have enabled her to do something (that I am not allowed to do) while I was away.

So then Megan and I go to her parent's house to enjoy the evening. But really, I'm going to play Starcraft against her father and brother. See, I gave them an old copy I had sitting on my shelves, and they have since that day, dedicated themselves to my destruction by their hands. (Keeping in mind of course that it will be two on one, and that I haven't played in literal years. ) I manage through one ugly game and one very pretty, slaughter of a game, to defeat them twice. It is now slightly after midnight, and we head home.

On the way, Megan begins to query my deep pool of culinary knowledge (hey! Stop laughing! I can cook. No, I mean it, I can cook!) for guidance on preparing her soup for the next day. She asks, "Should I leave the frozen corn out overnight so it is not frozen when I put it in the soup? Or should I not worry about that?" To which my reply is not, as you might think "Leave it out overnight" or "don't worry if it's frozen, just pop it in the microwave for a little while when you get it out." No my long lost readers. My response is "I didn't buy frozen corn."

Now here you might be thinking (as was my wife) "So what kind of corn did you buy? Canned? On the cob?" You give me far too much credit. The answer as any guy reading will know is, I didn't buy any kind of corn. I missed it on the list.

Part II will come later as I quest for frozen corn at 1am.