Zazzle Store

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

And the Answer is...Not Me

So Jefferson, the person most likely to not write anything for months has complained because I haven't written anything in awhile. Funny. Actually though, I've had something to write since last Monday night. You might ask why, but the wise ones among you will save your breath and realize I'm going to tell you whether you ask or not.

So I want you to imagine with me if you will. Imagine your wife is tired and worn out from the holidays. Imagine that she is prone to making lists of things to do that are always too long. Then imagine that you see something on the list you can do instead of her, and as a good husband, you offer to do. Now in this particular scenario, she trusts you enough to do said task and sends you on your way.

In this way we find ourselves at Shoppers (a grocery store) and due to lack of foresight happen to have no method of marking off the list in hand. Being the clever engineer that I am (all of you are for the sake of this mental exercise, as clever of an engineer as I am. ) I decide to make little tears in the paper next to the items I have gotten. This works well and I return home with all the items Megan needs to make soup for her female relatives the next day. I am victorious, a wonderful husband, and have enabled her to do something (that I am not allowed to do) while I was away.

So then Megan and I go to her parent's house to enjoy the evening. But really, I'm going to play Starcraft against her father and brother. See, I gave them an old copy I had sitting on my shelves, and they have since that day, dedicated themselves to my destruction by their hands. (Keeping in mind of course that it will be two on one, and that I haven't played in literal years. ) I manage through one ugly game and one very pretty, slaughter of a game, to defeat them twice. It is now slightly after midnight, and we head home.

On the way, Megan begins to query my deep pool of culinary knowledge (hey! Stop laughing! I can cook. No, I mean it, I can cook!) for guidance on preparing her soup for the next day. She asks, "Should I leave the frozen corn out overnight so it is not frozen when I put it in the soup? Or should I not worry about that?" To which my reply is not, as you might think "Leave it out overnight" or "don't worry if it's frozen, just pop it in the microwave for a little while when you get it out." No my long lost readers. My response is "I didn't buy frozen corn."

Now here you might be thinking (as was my wife) "So what kind of corn did you buy? Canned? On the cob?" You give me far too much credit. The answer as any guy reading will know is, I didn't buy any kind of corn. I missed it on the list.

Part II will come later as I quest for frozen corn at 1am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At 1 in the morning??


I do not envy your domestic life.
