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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Can You Stop the Room Please? I'd Like to Get Off

Whew! I'll be really happy when the holidays are over. It's just so tiring, and I'm not even doing that much. So much angst over things that don't matter in order to have the perfect holiday that doesn't exist. Oh, and my stomach isn't feeling so good. On the bright side, if it feels like this in the morning, it might be enough to keep me home from work. On the not so bright side, it will feel better.

So I've started playing World of Warcraft again.

Now anyone familiar with the world of computer games (not Video games, that's a different genre) will be aware of this title. And many will scratch their heads for a moment and wonder how exactly I could have stopped considering the game was only released a month ago, and they extended the free trial date a few days. This is true. But I never played the game at release. I played the game before release in the stress test and the open beta. Then when it cost money, and Megan said she felt it had been bad for our marriage (it was and is a time sink, but it was worse since I had a very limited time to play) I stopped. And I had almost beaten the cravings, when a friend at our Christmas Party (that deserves capitalization, any time you need a steam cleaner afterwards, it gets proper noun status) gave me a present which looked like a game box, wrapped in an EB bag (a very nice one too) and then told me it was "non-committal". Well, the cravings return and the game becomes almost tangibly needed.

A verbal agreement to agree when play time was appropriate and no plans to extend my play time past my free month later, and I'm in Azeroth. It's fun, and I've hooked up with a friend I played in the open beta with and we are running around similar haunts (though with different characters) havng fun. Unfortunately for you my dear reader, this means fewer updates and more tired me for a month. I'll try and make sure I don't completely neglect you, so as to lose your interest, or your polite pseudo-interest. Meanwhile the Crooked Bird has flown it's coop and you might considering seeing what he has to say.


luckydime said...

Have fun in the land of Azeroth. Let's all gather around a campfire one night in one moons rotation and hear of tales of Tegid's adventures in Azeroth as he and his band of good-doers fight evil and uphold justice in the land...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 'cause -- you know -- that'll be fun. He's never going to post again, is he?
