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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You Can Just Skim

It's not like I generally have interesting things to say, but something about the idea of random (and specifically targetted) people reading my random thoughts, has me signing up for a Blog. I'm sure the mania will fade away in a couple of days, but for now, you're stuck with me. Well not really, I'm not even telling anyone I have a blog. So I'm writing effectively for no one. Consider this an online Journal no one will read until I decide they should.

I'm sure there are a couple of really odd people that just search for new blogs that look interesting and read them. You people have way too much time though. So I find it highly unlikely you'll be looking up one titled like mine. Also, you should be doing something like playing Half-Life 2 or watching Firefly instead. Or you could go outside and take a walk in the crisp autumn air (I think I just started a bad novel there) with your SO or your dog. (If your dog is your SO, I hope that's just because you are good friends and don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend, if it's more than that, I really don't want to even thing about it, let alone know.) But really, you should stop reading this trash and move away from the computer.

Unless of course you are sitting in Panera looking trending with your steaming drink and pastry (it's hard to look trendy with soup or a salad...try it some time) and trying to pick up the opposite sex by looking intent at your laptop screen and appearing intelligent and focussed. If that's the case, then by all means look intent, while fingering the page down button so that you REALLY appear as if you are reading some important document for work instead oogling Friday's Penny Arcade.

I'll get this out there for everyone who doesn't know me right now. I'm taken (I know you are all crushed, especially you Jefferson) and not in the "we're dating" kind of way. It's the "What God has ordained, let no man put asunder" kind. That being said, I'm definitely open to all kinds of flattery from people who have never seen/met me. It's just not going anywhere. What is it about guys with blogs? If they are even decently well written, those guys get all these girls fawning on them. They could be the ugliest, most slobby guy out there, but if they can organize their thoughts and present them well, they become Don Juan. More power to them I suppose.

Oh, right. Fair warning, I am very verbose while not necessarily bothering to say a damn thing with all those words. You have been warned. The path may be interesting, but the destination looks a lot like your starting point.


Anonymous said...

"They could be the ugliest, most slobby guy out there, but if they can organize their thoughts and present them well, they become Don Juan."

Here now, I'm pretty damned good-looking. Though, I am a slob. And of course, I don't organize my thoughts before I present them well...


Tegid said...

Did I ever imply I was speaking of you Jefferson? I was just talking in general. We ALL know you are heaven sent to our unfortunate (young) womenfolk. Just saying there is a trend I have noticed.