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Monday, December 13, 2004

A Stern Scientist in Buddy Holly Glasses is Glaring at Me.

I've got this odd compulsion to post something here. I have nothing to say, as my two green ladies peer down on me from the heights.

I strive to be an anonymous someone's daily obsession so I feel I must give them something to daily obsess about. All the while wondering if I don't write too much for my own good. I mean, one look at the acres of text and I think most people will run for the hills. That's where my faithful readers will carry me through to the next entry. It is still unfortunate however that I am two of them.

My wife has decided she wants to be a blog queen, (and anyone who knows her, knows this is within her power) and as such is in the process of breaking her blog-cherry as it were. I find myself woefully unprepared for a head-to-head comparison, so I ask that everyone here spare my feelings and never tell me how much funnier hers is. Please just continue to aid and abet my patheticallity and swear to me that you aren't cheating on me with my wife. It would break my heart to find you were having an affair with her words instead of mine. In this I know I am completely without sense, and as one who is normally quite fond of logic (kinds of which I have heard of and dabbled in, that you have never imagined) (ouch was that grammatically painful) it should be (did you catch that, I'm reverting to the sentence before the parenthesis, well, before the set of parenthesis before this set, God help me I'm about to nest them. I can't help it, I'm a programmer, it comes naturally) (whew...managed to avoid nesting them) against my nature to be so foolish, but alas, I am human, and I am male. This is one of my stupidities.

Did you escape that last paragraph alive? It was a weed out paragraph. Let's get something straight. If you are going to continue to read what I write, you need to be able to deal with paragraphs like the above. In fact recursive and self-referential sentences and even entire novels may spew forth from my finger tips (which lovely caress my 20lb IBM clicky keyboard). If you found the paragraph above muddled and confusion, well you're human, but if you found it oddly compelling even so. Then I really fear for your sanity, but I expect you to keep reading.

For the rest of you, my need for approval requires me to beg you tell me what you like to read and I will make ANOTHER blog dedicated to pandering to your tastes. See, I really am a full service kind of guy.

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