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Sunday, December 19, 2004

You Know It's a Party When...

There is a streak of puke running from the couch to the bathroom.

Well, that really isn't the part of the party we like too much. And honestly, I think it's about time to grow out of that kind of partying. Well for me and mine at least. I'm not saying there isn't something to be said for mind modifying quantities of alcohol in this man's party. But I've learned to give my limits much wider boundaries. And also to be fair, the puke producer was not drinking particularly heavily and is a good friend that I have no wish to embarrass. Several of us, older than he currently is, have had much bigger messes to clean up after. Sometimes puke is positively easy to clean up in comparison to issues that have been raised amongst friends.

In that category, I believe this party went swimmingly. No apologies for assinine behaviour or friendships that require mending. Just the rental of a steam cleaner and the liberal application of club soda. I felt bad that I had a committment very shortly after waking up at 2pm and was unable to assist in most of the cleaning up. I can't honestly say I was upset to miss out on the cleaning, but I did feel bad. Fortunately there were those wonderful people that stayed behind to make sure my wife did not have to do all the work on her own.

The party itself, just short of the throwing up, (which fortunately I did not witness, but unfortunately was not there due to my wife suddenly feeling crappy in a headachey/sore throat kind of way) was quite a lot of fun. All kinds of people came from family, long time friends, ex-roommates and family of ex-roommates, co-workers, ex-co-workers (just wanted to do the two hyphen thing), and people my wife knows from work. (Also an aspiring UVA student. Go HOOS!) There was much food to be had. We provided a ham and everyone brought some kind of sweet or appetizer as was doled out by my lovely and organizationally talented wife. I have now scored beer and cider that should last throughout the rest of the holiday season and well into the next year.

Not only that, but I can now torment Jefferson with rumors of photographs of several attractive women posing provacatively for the camera. Not only that, but piles of women surrounding various males present at the time. He's got to be sorry he didn't make it out here...again. One of these days he shall see the photos and realize that he's an idiot and that his life should revolve around making is way out here to spend time with those of us he knows so well through phone calls and IMs, but has never seen in person as they sway through the party evoking the thought of Angel era Cordelia. But at least until I finally get the wedding gift he has promised me for over a year (I didn't really expect one, but he insisted it was coming over a year ago) and has just now finished, I don't think he gets to see any of them. Unless of course I decide to post one of my friend just to show you all what a pimp he is.

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