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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Don't Tell Me He Looks Like a Rabbit

I know the ears are a little big, but I'd like to see you do better. (Actually, you can, and I highly recommend learning how.) I made this field mouse here after getting the linked book, and highly enjoyed it. It taught me a whole bunch of new ways to think about using polymer clay, as well as quite a bit about painting. Things like dry coats and washes and such.

Though I might ask my older sister if she'll paint some of them, because she is WAY better at painting than I am. My younger sister is really crafty, but I think he painting will be like mine. She's really good at folky, solid-colors and shapes (very well done too), but I don't think realism is up her alley too much. Though I thinking when she comes home next, I should have her sculpt one of these guys, because I'm sure she can.

Anyhow, just wanted to show off. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Nice Rabbit. =)

Anonymous said...

Nice! The mouse is cute and I love the ears!