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Monday, October 17, 2005

November Nonsense

So the month comes again. One which I have looked forward to for some time now. Not because of Thanksgiving, though that should be good, but rather because I will be NaNoWriMoing again. I have already spoken with Miss Virginia Ruth about this year's attempt, and plan one making sure that if I don't make it to 50k words, that I will at least have more than her. It will be my daily goal to achieve this.

50,000 words really is a short novel. But to write that many words in 30 days is rather a challenge. It breaks down nicely it seems to the paltry sum of 1666.6666666666666666666667 words a day (though I plan on only writing complete words, so most likely I'll be writing 5000 words every three days.) Given that my posts (when I make them) regularly exceed 1000 words (the last post was only 575, but two posts previous was an impressive 1188) you would think I would have little to no trouble producing 5000 written words every three days. The truth is somewhat wore complex. I seem to think and create much more effectively in longhand. The problem with that is that I type about 20 times faster than I write, and a full hundred times more legibly (not even considering that I'm currently still learning a now keyboard layout). So I will often find that I have enough gathered thoughts to write a relatively rapid 5000 or so words. Often on the first day, but after that, my momentum is spent and I fail to be able to determine where I will be going from where I am.

Not this year. This year I've actually come up with a concept I'm excited about, ahead of time even. I'm going to plan on 25 chapters of 2000 words each, and determine ahead of time the major thematic plot developments per chapter so that when I sit down to write a chapter, I know what has to happen in it. I will not however tie myself exclusively to this formula. If I feel the need to deviate, I will. My major problem has been a lack of knowing where I'm going.

The story will be in first person, and told almost as a journal entry reflection of each period of time. I will be posting completed chapters to another blog I will inform you (my two readers) about in the near future. As to Miss Virginia Ruth, do you want to get together sometime during the first week of November to flog at our novels together? My wife will be out of town (this is far less scandalous than a reader might suppose for reasons that aren't really your concern) and I will be free virtually all week. Perhaps we could manage to get a little ahead of the game even. You know I have enough computers if you cannot bring your own. (though I believe you can)

1 comment:

luckydime said...

Novembers are great. Only during November we all get a 4 day weekend. Plus a turkey. Personally, it's a +1 for me every year during this month.

The only downer is all that raking.. Don't you just love falling leaves?